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Sentiment Analyzer

Project Title

Sentiment Analyzer: Real-time Social Media Sentiment Analysis Tool

Project Categories

  • Data Science & AI

Project Type

  • From Scratch

Project Description

Sentiment Analyzer aims to gauge public sentiment on trending topics by analyzing real-time tweets. By leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning, the tool will classify tweets as positive, negative, or neutral. Such insights can be invaluable for businesses, policymakers, and researchers to understand public opinion and make informed decisions.


To develop a tool that can fetch real-time tweets on a given topic and analyze the sentiment behind them, presenting the results in an easily digestible visual format.


  • Python (for data processing and ML model)
  • Tweepy (to interact with Twitter API)
  • TensorFlow or Scikit-learn (for building the sentiment analysis model)
  • Flask (for the web interface)
  • D3.js (for data visualization)

GitHub Repository

Proposed Timeline

Medium (1 week)

Team Members (if any)

  • user2345 (Project Lead & Data Scientist)
  • user6789 (Backend Developer & API Integration)
  • user1011 (Frontend Developer & Data Visualization Expert)

Additional Resources/Requirements

  • Access to a large dataset of tweets for training the model.
  • Twitter Developer Account to access the Twitter API.
  • Potential collaboration with social media experts for insights on data interpretation.

Mockups or Diagrams

Link to mockups on