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🌟 Projects Showcase

Welcome to the GitProve Projects Showcase! This is where we spotlight the incredible projects that our community members have brought to life. From innovative web applications to groundbreaking research, discover the diverse range of projects that GitProve has to offer.

0. Dziknik


Dziknik is a platform tailored for fitness enthusiasts, allowing them to log exercises, create personalized training plans, and share them with the community. Users can also collaborate on creating team-based training routines, set goals, and track their progress over time. The app will also feature a leaderboard for friendly competition and motivation.

Technologies Used:

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL (For storing user profiles, exercises, training plans, and progress logs)
  • bcrypt (For password hashing)
  • jsonwebtoken (For handling JWTs)
  • React (with Hooks and Context API)
  • TypeScript
  • Vite (as the build tool and dev server)
  • Tailwind CSS (for styling) / Material UI



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