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Project Title

SmartPlant: IoT-Driven Automated Plant Care System

Project Categories

  • IoT & Hardware

Project Type

  • From Scratch

Project Description

SmartPlant is an IoT-driven system designed to automate the care of household plants. Using a combination of sensors and actuators, the system will monitor soil moisture, ambient light, and temperature to provide optimal watering, light exposure, and temperature conditions for plants. Users can monitor and control the system via a mobile app, ensuring their plants thrive even when they're away.


To develop an intelligent, automated system that ensures optimal care for household plants by leveraging IoT technologies, reducing manual intervention, and providing users with real-time data and control.


  • Raspberry Pi (for central control)
  • Arduino (for sensor interfacing)
  • Soil Moisture Sensors
  • Ambient Light Sensors
  • Temperature Sensors
  • Water Pump
  • Relay Modules
  • MQTT Protocol (for communication)
  • Node-RED (for flow-based development)
  • React Native (for mobile app development)

GitHub Repository

Proposed Timeline

Medium (1 week)

Team Members (if any)

  • user1621 (IoT Developer & System Architect)
  • user1822 (Embedded Systems Engineer)
  • user2023 (Mobile App Developer)
  • user2425 (Hardware Specialist)

Additional Resources/Requirements

  • Access to a variety of household plants for testing.
  • Collaboration with botanists or plant care experts for optimal care algorithms.
  • Cloud platform for data storage and analytics.

Mockups or Diagrams

Link to system diagrams and app designs on