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🚀 Getting Started with GitProve

Welcome to GitProve! If you're new here, this guide will walk you through the essential steps to get started, ensuring you make the most of what our community has to offer.

0. Read and accept our Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy

Before you start your journey, ensure you've read and agreed to our Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy.

1. Create or Sign In to Your GitHub Account

Before you can participate in GitProve, you'll need a GitHub account.

2. Join the GitProve Community

To be an active member of GitProve:

  1. Star the GitProve repository. This helps you keep track of updates and shows your support.
  2. Fork the repository to have your own copy, allowing you to submit projects and contribute.

3. Set Up Your Profile

Introduce yourself to the community:

  1. On the GitProve Discussions, navigate to the Introductions section.
  2. The topic can be found here
  3. Add a brief introduction about yourself, your skills, and interests.

4. Propose or Join a Project

GitProve is all about projects. You can either:

  • Propose a new project using the Project Proposal Template.
  • Browse existing projects and join one that aligns with your interests (by checking the open PRs or topics on the GitProve Discussion group)

5. Engage in Discussions

Join the conversation and connect with fellow members:

  • Visit the GitProve Discussions to ask questions, share ideas, or offer feedback.
  • Engage actively, provide constructive feedback, and help others when you can.

6. Stay Updated

To keep up with the latest happenings:

  1. Regularly check the GitProve repository for new projects, updates, or announcements.
  2. Participate in the weekly Show & Tell sessions to see project demos and provide feedback.

7. Contribute and Collaborate

Once you're a part of a project:

  1. Clone the project repository to your local machine.
  2. Set up the necessary development environment.
  3. Start collaborating with team members, building, and learning.

8. Seek Help When Needed

Remember, GitProve is a supportive community. If you're stuck or need guidance:

That's it! You're now all set to dive into the world of GitProve. We're excited to see the amazing projects you'll work on and the invaluable contributions you'll make to our community. Happy building!